Aluminum OMC Stern Drive (13 Spline) Props

Aluminum OMC Stern Drive (13 Spline) Propellers

-More Performance for the Money!  Evinrude/Johnson props are cast with a custom aluminum alloy to give them greater strength and longer life than ordinary propellers.  Many of the Evinrude/Johnson outboards are speed cupped for better top-end performance.  Special baked-on corrosion-resistant paint gives added protection against salt water and galvanic corrosion.

  • Precision casting provides greater strength and longer life
  • Baked-on corrosion-resistant paint gives added protection
  • Engineered to match the power curve of your outboard for superior performance
  • Pressed Rubber Hub & Interchangeable Hub
  • These props also fit many BRP Evinrude Johnson Outboards

Fits the following OMC Stern Drives

  • Standard RH Rotation
  • 13 Tooth Spline, 4-1/4 inch gearcase
  • Be sure to count the number of spline teeth on your prop shaft.
  • 400 Series, 120-140 HP, 1978 - Newer
  • OMC Sea Drive, 1.6 Liter, 1983-Newer
  • OMC Cobra, 2.3-3.0 Liter, 1986-1993




Part Number Link (More Info) Shop Amazon Shop eBay Size
9 OMC 763300 Amazon eBay 14 x 9, RH, Aluminum, Rubber Hub
11 OMC 763301 Amazon eBay 14 x 11, RH, Aluminum, Rubber Hub
13 OMC 765181 Amazon eBay 13-3/4 x 13, RH, Aluminum, Interchangeable Hub
15 OMC 765182 Amazon eBay 13-1/2 x 15, RH, Aluminum, Interchangeable Hub
17 OMC 765183 Amazon eBay 13-1/4 x 17, RH, Aluminum, Interchangeable Hub
19 OMC 765184 Amazon eBay 13.2 x 19, RH, Aluminum, Interchangeable Hub
21 OMC 765185 Amazon eBay 13.2 x 21, RH, Aluminum, Interchangeable Hub


Other compatible propeller options:

Aluminum OMC Stern Drive (13 Spline) Propellers

40 - 140 HP Aluminum Propellers for Large 4-1/4" Gearcase and Thru-Hub Exhaust

40 - 140 HP Stainless Steel Propellers for Large 4-1/4" Gearcase and Thru-Hub Exhaust

60-70 HP Aluminum and Stainless Steel Propellers (4-Stroke) Large 4-1/4" Gearcase

85 - 140 HP Aluminum Propellers for V-4 Gearcase (13 Spline and Thru-Hub Exhaust)

85 - 140 HP Stainless Steel Propellers for V-4 Gearcase (13 Spline and Thru-Hub Exhaust)

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