4-5 HP Aluminum Propellers for Evinrude Johnson BRP 4-Stroke 12 Spline

4-5 HP Aluminum Propellers for Evinrude Johnson BRP 4-Stroke 12 Spline


Fits the following Evinrude Johnson Outboards      4, 5 HP  4-Stroke 20044-5 HP Aluminum Propellers for Evinrude Johnson BRP 4-Stroke 12 Spline

Fits the following Evinrude Johnson Outboards

  • 4, 5 HP  4-Stroke 2004-2007
  • Standard RH Rotation



Part Number Link (More Info) Shop Amazon Shop eBay Size
6 5030283 Amazon eBay 7-1/2 x 6, 3-Blade, RH
6-1/2 5034197 Amazon eBay 7-1/2 x 6-1/2, 3-Blade, RH
7 5034198 Amazon eBay 7-1/2 x 7,3-Blade, RH


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