150 - 300 HP, Evinrude E-Tec, G2 Gearcase Stainless Steel Propellers - 15 Spline

150 - 300 HP, Evinrude E-Tec, G2 Gearcase Stainless Steel Propellers - 15 Spline


Fits the following Evinrude E-Tec G2 Gearcase Outboards

  • 150 HP G2 ............................ 2016 & Newer
  • 150 HP H.O. G2 .................... 2016 & Newer
  • 175 HP G2 ............................ 2016 & Newer
  • 200 HP G2 ............................ 2016 & Newer
  • 200 HP H.O. G2 .................... 2014 & Newer
  • 225 HP G2 ............................ 2014 & Newer
  • 225 HP H.O. G2 .................... 2014 & Newer
  • 250 HP G2 .............................2014 & Newer
  • 250 HP H.O. G2 .....................2014 & Newer
  • 300 HP G2 .............................2014 & Newer

Michigan XHS Drop-In Hub Kit

Pitch is how far, in inches,  the boat would travel with one prop rotation (under ideal conditions).  Higher pitch = Faster, Lower Pitch = Slower and more power.


Apollo Standard 3-Blade Stainless Steel "A" Series



Part Number Link (More Info) Shop Amazon Shop eBay Size
15 Michigan  993042 Amazon eBay 14-3/8 x 15, RH, 3-Blade
15 Michigan  993052 Amazon eBay 14-3/8 x 15, LH, 3-Blade
17 Michigan  993043 Amazon eBay 14-1/4 x 17, RH, 3-Blade
17 Michigan  993053 Amazon eBay 14-1/4 x 17, LH, 3-Blade
19 Michigan  993044 Amazon eBay 14-1/8 x 19, RH, 3-Blade
19 Michigan  993054 Amazon eBay 14-1/8 x 19, LH, 3-Blade
21 Michigan  993045 Amazon eBay 14 x 21, RH, 3-Blade
21 Michigan  993055 Amazon eBay 14 x 21, LH, 3-Blade
23 Michigan  993046 Amazon eBay 14 x 23, RH, 3-Blade
23 Michigan  993056 Amazon eBay 14 x 23, LH, 3-Blade


Apollo Large Diameter 3-Blade Stainless Steel "A" Series



Part Number Link (More Info) Shop Amazon Shop eBay Size
17 Michigan  993023 Amazon eBay 15-1/2 x 17, RH, 3-Blade
17 Michigan  993033 Amazon eBay 15-1/2 x 17, LH, 3-Blade
19 Michigan  993024 Amazon eBay 15-1/4 x 19, RH, 3-Blade
19 Michigan  993034 Amazon eBay 15-1/4 x 19, LH, 3-Blade
21 Michigan  993025 Amazon eBay 14-3/4 x 21, RH, 3-Blade
21 Michigan  993035 Amazon eBay 14-3/4 x 21, LH, 3-Blade
23 Michigan  993026 Amazon eBay 14-5/8 x 23, RH, 3-Blade
23 Michigan  993036 Amazon eBay 14-5/8 x 23, LH, 3-Blade


Apollo 4-Blade Stainless Steel "A" Series



Part Number Link (More Info) Shop Amazon Shop eBay Size
16 Michigan  993203 Amazon eBay 14-5/8 x 16, RH, 4-Blade
16 Michigan  993213 Amazon eBay 14-5/8 x 16, LH, 4-Blade
18 Michigan  993204 Amazon eBay 14-3/8 x 18, RH, 4-Blade
18 Michigan  993214 Amazon eBay 14-3/8 x 18, LH, 4-Blade
20 Michigan  993205 Amazon eBay 14-1/8 x 20, RH, 4-Blade
20 Michigan  993215 Amazon eBay 14-1/8 x 20, LH, 4-Blade
22 Michigan  993206 Amazon eBay 14 x 22, RH, 4-Bl4de
22 Michigan  993216 Amazon eBay 14 x 22, LH, 4-Blade


Michigan Ballistic High-Performance Stainless Steel

  • A Series Propellers Using Michigan XHS II 204 Drop-In Hub Kit
  • 15 Tooth Spline, 4-1/4 inch Gearcase, Thru-Hub Exhaust
  • Vortex and Apollo propeller diameters are slightly less than original equipment propellers.

Pitch is how far, in inches,  the boat would travel with one prop rotation (under ideal conditions).  Higher pitch = Faster, Lower Pitch = Slower and more power.


Ballistic 3-Blade Ballistic Stainless Steel



Part Number Link (More Info) Shop Amazon Shop eBay Size
15 Michigan  933515 Amazon eBay 14-7/8 x 15, RH, 3-Blade
17 Michigan  933517 Amazon eBay 14-3/4 x 17, RH, 3-Blade
17 Michigan  937517 Amazon eBay 14-3/4 x 17, LH, 3-Blade
19 Michigan  933519 Amazon eBay 14-1/2 x 19, RH, 3-Blade
19 Michigan  937519 Amazon eBay 14-1/2 x 19, LH, 3-Blade
21 Michigan  933521 Amazon eBay 14-3/8 x 21, RH, 3-Blade
21 Michigan  937521 Amazon eBay 14-3/8 x 21, LH, 3-Blade
23 Michigan  933523 Amazon eBay 14-1/4 x 23, RH, 3-Blade
23 Michigan  937523 Amazon eBay 14-1/4 x 23, LH, 3-Blade
25 Michigan  933525 Amazon eBay 14-1/4 x 25, RH, 3-Blade


Ballistic XL 3-Blade Stainless Steel

*** May interfere with the trim tab.***



Part Number Link (More Info) Shop Amazon Shop eBay Size
22 Michigan  953522 Amazon eBay 14-3/4 x 22, RH, 3-Blade
24 Michigan  953524 Amazon eBay 14-3/4 x 24, RH, 3-Blade
26 Michigan  953526 Amazon eBay 14-3/4 x 26, RH, 3-Blade


Other compatible propeller options:

200 & 225 HP (4-Stroke), Michigan Aluminum Propellers -  4-3/4” Gearcase - 15 Spline

200 & 225 HP, (4-Stroke), Michigan Stainless Steel Propellers -  4-3/4” Gearcase - 15 Spline

150 - 300 HP, Evinrude E-Tec, G2 Gearcase Aluminum Propellers - 15 Spline

150 - 300 HP, Evinrude E-Tec, G2 Gearcase Stainless Steel Propellers - 15 Spline

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