10 - 28 HP Aluminum Props for Johnson Evinrude 13 Spline Drive & Non-Thru Hub Exhaust

10 - 28 HP Aluminum Propellers for Johnson Evinrude 13 Spline Drive & Non-Thru Hub Exhaust, Split Gearcase

  • For BRP Evinrude Johnson OMC
  • 10 HP  1951-1957
  • 14 HP  1988, 1989
  • 25 HP  1978-1984
  • 25 HP Commercial 1978-1981, 1994-Newer
  • 28 HP  1986-Newer

14-28 HP Aluminum Spline Drive & Non-Thru Hub Exhaust



Part Number Link (More Info) Shop Amazon Shop eBay Recommended Use
8 OMC 277595 Amazon eBay 12-14 foot 10 HP, boats, All Loads
8 Michigan 012006 Amazon eBay 12-14 foot 10 HP, boats, All Loads
9 BRP 763585 Amazon eBay New BRP Part Number for OMC 389068
9 OMC 389068 Amazon eBay 16-18 foot - Heavy Load
9 Michigan 012021 Amazon eBay 16-18 foot - Heavy Load
10 BRP 763589 Amazon eBay New BRP Part Number for OMC 389069
10 OMC 389069 Amazon eBay 15-17 foot - All Loads and Ski
10 Michigan 012015 Amazon eBay 15-17 foot - All Loads and Ski
11 BRP 763584 Amazon eBay New BRP Part Number for OMC 388883
11 OMC 388883 Amazon eBay 14-17 foot All-Purpose and Ski Boats
11 Michigan 012016 Amazon eBay 14-17 foot All-Purpose and Ski Boats
12 BRP 763590 Amazon eBay New BRP Part Number for 389944
12 OMC 389944 Amazon eBay 14-17 foot Light Loads
12 Michigan 012030 Amazon eBay 14-17 foot Light Loads


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